Seeking help for mental stability
We move to Finland for different reasons. It might be for love, work, studies or we might be seeking refuge or just simply returning home.
We all have excitement at the thought of going for an adventure when moving to Finland. Then we realize that once we've moved, daily life can sometimes be overwhelming. Feeling isolated and alone is very common among most immigrants. Adaptation to a new country might be slower than imagined and there are struggles to overcome the difficulties of immigration and daily living in Finland.
We may sometimes feel anxious, depressed which can lead to other negative feelings or emotions. When we feel the weakest, it might be the hardest time to search for help. Even though help is available, culture issues and language barriers can make it difficult to look for the right kind of help.
Some of us might not understand that we are struggling with mental health problems and it might be seen as stigmatic from our countrymen. Our culture backgrounds and family members might not recognize mental health issues and if they do, they do not know where to seek help. According to THL- National Institute for Health and Welfare, certain groups are more prone to mental health problems such as immigrants from refugee status, the elderly, people who moved to Finland from adulthood, immigrants who have lower education, unemployed and poverty and immigrants who have weaker knowledge in Finnish or Swedish languages. is part of which offers a wide range of mental health services for people in Finland. It is an online virtual house to get information and support about mental health issues. It is part of HUS Helsinki University Hospital, a government-funded enterprise which helps residents with special health problems.
With the permission of, we are able to link helpful breathing exercises that might help you calm down in times when you feel anxious and negative feelings arise.
Identifying symptoms might be hard to so. Do you think you might have a problem? How are you? Do you sleep and eat regularly?