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Learn Finglish with Christoffer Weiss

Updated: Nov 17, 2023

Welcome to our new media channel where we´d like to share a fun and humorous way to learn the Finnish language with Christoffer Weiss.

We accidentally bumped into one of his videos while searching an explanation about Rally English for our article Rally English, Rally Finnish and Finglish instead.

And wow, 22 videos of practical Finnish language explained in a humorous way! Who would not learn the Finnish language after watching these videos? What's better is everyone will also understand how peculiar the Finnish culture actually is.

Who is Christoffer Weiss? He is a Finnish-Swedish “suomenruotsalainen” multitalented performer who speaks fluent English. Christoffer is a hybrid performer who can act, perform, and produce different types of entertainment. He is not only a great performer but also an entrepreneur. He and his team make tailored corporate events, so if his videos are not enough to learn and know more about the Finnish language and culture, feel free to book him live instead.

The video series explains different meanings of the words in Finnish which sometimes make sense but at times also don´t. Overall, these are common words that everyone who wants to know the Finnish culture should know. The video series will help you dive deeper and integrate quicker ito the Finnish language. Learn to eat karjalanpiirakka, know the meaning of sisu, and try to spell funny words such as huithapeli.

Check out his videos on our new media channel and learn Finglish with humor.


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