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English Schools in Finland

Updated: Nov 17, 2023

Education in Finland is essential for Finnish people and is of high quality. The education system is open to everybody from any cultural background, and it consists of daycare programs, pre-school, compulsory basic comprehensive school, and may continue to higher education.

International schools offered in Finland can be the solution for temporary or permanent residents; ideal for an expat student (multinational corporation executives, children of diplomats, NGO; Non-Governmental Organisation staff). Sometimes even for local families, who desire their kids in an international school.

There is a wide choice of international schools in English and other languages, including French, German, Spanish, and Russian. Some schools offer international programs in Finnish and Swedish, which both are official languages in Finland. However, the focus of this article is to give information about international schools with English speaking programs.

International schools / International programs

International schools in Finland creates a steady-cozy atmosphere for the students who have experienced moving to another country and might feel disoriented. These international programs are found within Finnish schools in every large/mid-size Finnish city such as Helsinki, Vantaa, Espoo, Turku, Southern Karelia, and Rovaniemi.

There are international English daycares for toddlers and babies. Basic education starts one year in primary school, usually kids from ages six years old. It´s is usually held either in the kindergarten or in schools. After that, students have nine years of compulsory basic education, starting from seven years old to fifteen years old, called peruskoulu.

After graduating from peruskoulu, children will choose to go to secondary school (lukio) or vocational school, which usually takes three years to finish. Higher education can lead to qualifying for polytechnic or university education.

International schools can follow various curriculum models such as Finland’s Ministry of Education or the UK, US, or France. One popular internationally accepted accreditation is the International Baccalaureate (IB), which is offered in some regular Finnish schools and private international schools. Other options exist as well, such as the model accredited by the EU-supported European Schools Institution, which is recognised by all EU member states. Or the Agency provides the other options for French Teaching Abroad which has accredited two schools in Finland, École Areva MLF in Rauma and École Française Jules Verne in Helsinki.

These accreditations can significantly help the students to obtain the education which is accepted elsewhere around the world, and therefore it can be continued, such as at the university level.


When researching English international schools for the students, it is necessary to consider these points mentioned here: curriculum, accreditation, the application process, entrance/placement exams, waiting period, facilities including special-need facilities, extracurricular activities, and tuition (if private). Also, you might want to know about the administrators and teachers. Some schools are free government schools, while some are with tuition fees. Enrollment in government schools is based on your location of residency.

However, in some schools, the Finnish language and culture are also provided as part of the general program.

However, it is essential to know that admission and enrollment procedures may vary in different schools, space can be limited, and preferences may be given based on nationality.

In your search for an international school, it could be useful to know about:

-The CoIS (Council of International Schools), a non-profit association of international schools and post-secondary institutions. The CoIS provides educational accreditation, teacher and leadership recruitment services, links to higher education, and governance assistance.

-New England Association of Schools and Colleges (NEASC) provides accreditation services for more than 2000 public and private institutions.

International Schools in Finland

Here is the list of some international schools in Finland with English speaking programs:


The International School of Helsinki ISH

Address: Selkämerenkatu 11, 00180 Helsinki, Finland

Grades: 1- 12

With Tuition fee

The Kielo international school

Address: Vanha Helsingintie 2,00820 Helsinki, Finland

Grade: 1-6

With tuition fee

The international Maunula Elementary and Secondary Schools

Address: Maunulanmäki 5, 00630 Helsinki, Finland

Grades: 1- 9

No tuition fee

The Kulosaari international Elementary and Secondary schools

Address: Kyösti Kallion tie 1, 00570 Helsinki, Finland

Grades: 1- 9

No tuition fee

The Ressu international school

Address: Lapinlahdenkatu 10, 00180 Helsinki, Finland

Grades: 1- 9

No tuition fee

The English School- Englantilainen koulu

Operates in two buildings

Address: Mäntytie 14, 00270 Helsinki

Grades: 1-6 and preschool


Address: Valimotie 17 – 19, 00380 Helsinki

Grades: 7-9 and High School

With tuition fee


International School of Vantaa (ISV)

Address: Hagelstamintie 1, 01520 Vantaa, Finland

Grades: 1- 9

No tuition fee (IB), which is offered in some regular Finnish schools and private international schools. Other options exist as well, such as the model accredited by the EU-supported European Schools Institution, which is recognized by all EU member states. Or the Agency provides the other options for French Teaching Abroad which has accredited two schools in Finland, École Areva MLF in Rauma and École Française Jules Verne in Helsinki.

Kaivokselan Koulu

Address: Kaivosvoudintie 10, 01610 Vantaa

Grades: 1-6

No tuition fee

Rekolamäen koulu

Address: Osoite: Valtimotie 4, 01400 Vantaa

Grades: 1-6

No tuition fee


International school of Espoo

Address: Lillhemtintie 1, 02250 Espoo, Finland

Grades: 1- 9

No tuition fee

High school/upper secondary school of Mattlidens Gymnasium

Address: Mattliden 1, 02230 Esbo, Finland

No tuition fee

High school/upper secondary of Etelä-Tapiolan lukio

Address: Ahertajantie 5, 02100 Espoo, Finland

No tuition fee


International school of Tampere

Address: Satakunnankatu 60, 33230 Tampere, Finland

Grades: 1- 9

No tuition fee


The international school of Turku

Operates in two buildings:

Address: Kraatarinkatu 4, 20610 Turku, Finland

Grades: 1- 6

No tuition fee


Address: Annikanpolku 9, 20610 Turku, Finland

Grades: 7- 9

No tuition fee


The international school of Cygnaeus School

Address: Tasavallankatu 1, 28100 Pori, Finland

Grades: 1-6

No tuition fee


International school of Oulu

Address: Kasarmintie 4, 90130 Oulu, Finland

Grades: 1- 9

No tuition fee


The high school/upper secondary international school of Lyseonpuiston lukio

Address: Ruokasenkatu 18, 96200 Rovaniemi

No tuition fee

South Karelia

The high school/upper secondary international school of IB lukio

Operates on two buildings:

Address: Koulukatu 5, 55120 IMATRA, Finland


Address: Lönnrotinkatu 3, 53600 LAPPEENRANTA, Finland

No tuition fee


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